
Hey sis,


The Codependummy 101 Course is being made with love, care, and intention to share what I believe is best for you to start healing from your codependency. In the ten modules, you’ll get wisdom, writing prompts, and ways to handle situations so you can stop feeling like such a dummy.

As a codependummy, you’ve “played small” and haven’t taken up too much space – this course will put a stop to that.

I’ll help you stop being such a codependummy so you can shine like a codependiamond! You’ll find ways to balance your needs with everyone else’s needs, start asserting yourself, and give yourself the care you’ve been craving.

Click the link below for updates!

Don’t hesitate – Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self. Fill out the form below and let me sliide up in your inbox. XO, M